1st day of work also happens to be the first day I've gotten to the internet since staying at a hostel in San Jose, the capitol, last week.
A few things I've noticed...
It's hot here...like, little albino girl is melting, hot. I've never looked forward to rain so much in my life!
Soccer comes before religion...the national championship game was Saturday...the evening mass was cancelled for the game.
It doesn't stay light here past 6 pm...at any point in the year.
Mosquitoes are called "sancudos"...they suck...literally and figuratively.
A plate of food, of which I can not even eat 1/2, costs $5.
I don't miss hot showers as much as I thought I would...at least not yet. My hair does, though...Dry from the salt and oily from the lack of hot water to wash it well is a strange combo.
It's considered a big deal if you wear heels out at night to the beach. People are impressed.
You need $1100 available on your credit card to rent a car.
Howler monkeys are regulars at the local soccer games on Sunday afternoons.
Contrary to popular belief, roosters do not crow in the morning...the crow in the early morning, and midmorning, and late morning, and at noon, and in the afternoon...etc etc etc.
I think Costa Ricans are probably some of the cleanest people I've ever met. Seriously. They clean daily.
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