But first I'm going to share some things I've learned/noticed/etc.
I learned how to separate a good corn kernel from a bad one...quickly.
I learned how to fish with a home-made net.
I learned how to fish with a hook, live bait, and a string.
I made rice krispie treats with costa rican cornflakes...so i guess that would make them costa rican corn flake treats...but rice krispie treats is easier to say, so I'll stick with that.
I adopted a kitten less than a month old, and successfully "found" it someone to adopt it long-term just more than 24 hours later.
I went to visit Monteverde.
Contrary to some sites, there is no direct bus from Liberia to Monteverde.
There are only two buses to Monteverde that pass through la IRMA...the last is at 3:30 pm.
It didn't rain at all during our trip to MV...I'm thankful because it is already the last time Jairo will ever go with me by bus, and that would have been enough to keep him from wanting to return EVER.
Never again will I mix multiple cups of coffee, with multiple shots of homemade sugarcane alcohol (guaro), with sugar cane juice, with cheese factory cheeseburgers, with a mint chocolate chip milkshake, with a walking trip at dusk into the woods to climb the strangler fig after 4 hours of horseback riding. I will also never order "mondongo en salsa" (cow stomach in sauce) again (especially not after getting sick from the previous combination just an hour before).
There is more, but I'll save it and get to the pictures.
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