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Thursday, June 3, 2010

When the lights...go the city...

The mosquitos attack!

Electrical surges and outages are nothing new here. Losing power for seconds, minutes, or hours is fairly normal. When it's lost for more than a few minutes, you can generally assume that rain is coming. Weather mostly seems to come from the south here.

My flashlight seemed to be dieing as I walked home on the unlit streets around 10 pm last night. Generally this would not be an issue, but when there are no lights or people to be seen during the blackouts here, and without a would meraly be feeling your way home in the darkness. The moon was MIA...perhaps hiding behind the rain clouds that were drizzling lightly by the time I headed back to the house. I wondered how people did this is the past? With torches? Or maybe everyone's schedule was just shifted: they woke up at 3am and went to bed at 6 or 7 pm.

Whatever the case, I found that my historical ponderings soon became fear as my flashlight faded in and out and I walked more quickly only to get home and find everyone asleep except for people in the front house who didn't respond to my salutation...this is an unusual ocurrence here given that the people who live there know who I am quite well. The figure of the woman in the doorway, her silhouette created by a flashlight from inside, did not strike me as someone that I knew much less someone who lives in that house. I quickened my steps and got into my room, deliriously, at that point, thinking that someone had followed me and that one or two people were slinking around in the back yard around my room. Finally I had to enter the main house to tell someone so that I could calm down. Cue "Are You Afraid of the Dark" theme song.

I still don't know who was at the doorway last night or if my fears were warranted in any way. i hope that they were not, for the sake of the family in that house whose things could have been stolen had a stranger in the home been the case. I'm sure there is a decent explanation.

As for the marks all over my arms, legs, and back? They, too, have an explanation...Mosquitoes are a developed species...they have come to find that no electricity means no air movement which means attack like crazy. And feast, they did. With a minimum of 10-15 new bites as of this morning, I can only hope that they change their tastes quickly or that I can find some form of repellant that will keep them as far away as possible...

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